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Industrial Online Residual Chlorine Sensor
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Shanghai BOQU Instrument Co., Ltd
Shanghai, China
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Working Principle
Electrolyte and osmotic membranes separate the electrolytic cell and water samples, permeable membranes can selectively to ClO- penetration; between the two the electrode has a fixed potential difference, and the current intensity generated can be converted into residual chlorine concentration.
At the cathode: ClO- + 2H+ + 2e-  → Cl-+ H2O
At the anode: Cl- + Ag → AgCl + e- 
Because in a certain temperature and pH conditions, HOCl, ClO- and residual chlorine between fixed conversion relationship, in this way can measure the residual chlorine.
Daily Maintenance
(1) Such as the discovery of the whole measurement system's long response time, membrane rupture, no chlorine in the media, and so on, it is necessary to replace the membrane, the maintenance of the electrolyte replacement. After each exchange membrane or electrolyte, the electrode needs to be repolarized and calibrated.
(2) The flow rate of the influent water sample is kept constant;
(3) The cable shall be kept in a clean, dry, or water inlet.
(4) Instrument display value and the actual value vary greatly or the chlorine residual value is zero, may dry chlorine electrode in the electrolyte, the need to be re-injected into the electrolyte. 
Specific steps are as follows:
Unscrew the electrode head film head (Note: absolutely not to damage the breathable film), drained the film first before the electrolyte, then the new electrolyte poured into the film first. General every 3 months to add the electrolyte, and half a year for a film head. After changing the electrolyte or the membrane head, the electrode is required to be re-calibrated.
(5) Electrode polarization: the electrode cap is removed, the electrode is connected to the instrument, and the electrode is more than 6 hours after the electrode is polarized.
(6) When not using the site for a long time without water or a meter long time, should promptly remove the electrode, and sheathe a protection cap.
(7) If the electrode fails to change the electrode.
 What's Means Residual Chlorine?
Residual chlorine is the low-level amount of chlorine remaining in the water after a certain period or contact time after its initial application. It constitutes an important safeguard against the risk of subsequent microbial contamination after treatment—a unique and significant benefit for public health. Chlorine is a relatively cheap and readily available chemical that, when dissolved in clear water in sufficient quantities, will destroy most disease-causing organisms without being a danger to people. The chlorine, however, is used up as organisms are destroyed. If enough chlorine is added, there will be some left in the water after all the organisms have been destroyed, this is called free chlorine. 
Free chlorine will remain in the water until it is either lost to the outside world or used up destroying new contamination. Therefore, if we test the water and find that there is still some free chlorine left, it proves that most dangerous organisms in the water have been removed and it is safe to drink. We call this measuring the chlorine residual. Measuring the chlorine residual in a water supply is a simple but important method of checking that the water that is being delivered is safe to drink.

Model No YLG-2058-01
Measuring range 0.005 ~ 20ppm(mg/L)
Principle Polarography
Measure range 0.005-20 ppm (mg/L)
The minimum detection limit 5ppb or 0.05mg/L
Accuracy 2% or ±10ppb
The minimum detection limit 5ppb or 0.05mg/L
The connection tubes for inlet and outlet water external diameter Φ10
Accuracy 2% or ±10ppb
Response time 90%<90second
Storage temperature -20 ~ 60 ℃
Operation temperature 0~45℃
Sample temperature 0~45℃
Calibration method laboratory comparison method
Calibration interval 1/2 month
Maintenance interval Replacement of a membrane and electrolyte every six months

Drinking water, swimming pool, spa, fountain, etc

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