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Domestic Healthy Straight Purifier
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Shandong Zhaojin Motian Co., Ltd.
Shandong, China
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  • Freshwater: equivalent to establishing a pure water station at home, homemade water purification; Equipped with 3.2 G gallons pressure barrels, according to the daily drinking water, ensure that every day can drink the most of fresh clean water, to eliminate the secondary pollution.
  • Permeate water quantity is large, the use is up to 189 liters/day, in addition, to drinking, can be used to wash the dishes, cooking, soup, etc., and has a cosmetic effect.
  • Pure physical water filtration, sweet: magnitude during the process of water purification filter adopting physical way completely. 
  • Without any chemical process, to ensure the water taste natural, sweet and refreshing.
  • One-time investment economic material benefit: the cost of a barrel of water (water, electricity, filter, machinery depreciation) is about 0.3 yuan.
  • Convenient practical safe: avoid the call to order water, such as a series of trouble, convenient, save money and rest assured.
  • Quality lifestyle choices: international fashion, modern fashion family preferred products. , filled with water, water supply automatic control system

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