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Taizhou Tonhe Flow Control Co. ( 15 Years )
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Intelligent fluid control, wireless leak alarm systems, electric actuators, and ball valves are among the products in Taizhou Tonhe Flow Control Co., Ltd.'s portfolio. The company also offers technical support and development services for these products. It is a medium-sized, small-scale scientific and technological innovation company. Our primary products include proportional electric ball valves, intelligent timer-controlled valves, motorized shut-off ball valves ranging from 1/4" to 2", and domestic water leak detection systems. A few valves have received international certifications such as CE, ROHS, NSF61-G, and others. The motorized valve is small and cleverly designed. It has various features, including high torque actuators, intelligent control, extended lifespan, low noise, and no leaks. which are extensively utilized in water purification, energy conservation, automated watering, and air pump tank drainage. Automation in industry and additional tiny machinery They have many p .... Show More

Intelligent fluid control, wireless leak alarm systems, electric actuators, and ball valves are among the products in Taizhou Tonhe Flow Control Co., Ltd.'s portfolio. The company also offers technical support and development services for these products. It is a medium-sized, small-scale scientific and technological innovation company. Our primary products include proportional electric ball valves, intelligent timer-controlled valves, motorized shut-off ball valves ranging from 1/4" to 2", and domestic water leak detection systems. A few valves have received international certifications such as CE, ROHS, NSF61-G, and others. The motorized valve is small and cleverly designed. It has various features, including high torque actuators, intelligent control, extended lifespan, low noise, and no leaks. which are extensively utilized in water purification, energy conservation, automated watering, and air pump tank drainage. Automation in industry and additional tiny machinery They have many potential applications as well as clear social and financial advantages. Tonhe has expanded quickly while upholding the fundamental values of "Integrity & Win-win: serve customers, serve society" and taking personal responsibility for "creating the industry's outstanding products." Over the years, Tonhe has applied for more than ten utility model patents. ISO 9001:2015 quality management certification system passed in 2019. It has been acknowledged as a small and medium-sized technology-based business with significant growth in Zhejiang Province, as well as a municipal high-tech enterprise in Taizhou.Acknowledged as a national high-tech enterprise in 2021 and a provincial specialized emerging enterprise in 2022, the company was bestowed with numerous honors.Tonhe has expanded quickly while upholding the fundamental values of "Integrity & Win-win‌serve-customers,serve the society" and taking responsibility for "creating the industry's outstanding products." for almost ten utility model patents throughout the years. ISO 9001:2015 quality management certification system passed in 2019. It has been acknowledged as a small and medium-sized technology-based business with significant growth in Zhejiang Province, as well as a municipal high-tech enterprise in Taizhou.Acknowledged as a national high-tech enterprise in 2021 and a provincial specialized emerging enterprise in 2022, the company was bestowed with numerous honors.two national invention patents in 2023 and a 2024 grant to Taizhou, a new "Little Giant" manufacturer with a unique focus.Our primary areas of focus are product research and development, scientific and technological innovation, and long-term collaboration with expert research units and design institutes to continuously improve, innovate, and achieve excellence in our goods. We have filed for eight utility model patents thus far. We concentrate on the product. research and development, scientific and technological innovation, and long-term collaboration with specialized research units and design institutes are necessary to ensure that goods are continuously improved, innovative, and attain excellence. We have filed for eight utility model patents thus far.
Tonhe views talent as an organization's greatest asset and is dedicated to igniting employee passion for the company. They focus on talent introduction, training, and human resource development in order to stabilize talent and enable sustainable business growth. Every one of our TONHE employees is driven to work hard and consistently push themselves. It is our honest desire to build enduring working relationships with both current and potential clients, mature alongside them, and share growth and advantages as well as reciprocity and mutual gain.

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Zhejiang, China

Business Type Custom Manufacturer
Region/Country Zhejiang, China
Year Established 2009

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Country : China
City : Zhejiang
Address : Building 3, Xinshun SME Pioneer Park, Jiangkou Street, Huangyan District, Taizhou city, Zhejiang Province, China

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