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Economy Brining For ECOTROL-E
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Herco Wassertechnik GmbH
Neckar, Germany
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In order to maintain a consistent soft water quality with a residual hardness of less than 0.1°dH, standard ECOTROL-E series softening systems typically regenerate with a full salting of 200 g NaCl per liter of resin. This is particularly important when soft water is fed into a reverse osmosis system, as it is in many industrial applications. However, in particular applications, a certain amount of residual hardness in the soft water is acceptable and can be attained through blending, for example. In these applications, it is advised to operate with economy salting to maximize salt consumption and, consequently, operating expenses. A 40% reduction in salt is possible with the economy salting option by adjusting the brine tank's salt carrier floor as opposed to full salting. The softener's capacity is decreased by 25% without affecting the range of flow.

Utilization of Economy Brining For ECOTROL-E

  1. Fits ECOTROL-E series models starting at size 200.
  2. In industrial settings where it is acceptable or preferred for a certain amount of residual hardness, in order to save salt.

Advantages of Economy Brining For ECOTROL-E

  1. The capacity of the softener is only reduced by 25% when the brining for regeneration is reduced by 40%.
  2. Unchanged is the flow range to full brining.
  3. Significantly less salt is used, and soft water with little residual hardness is produced.

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