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Gonyi City Shecun Ruijia Water Purification Factory
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Gonyi City Shecun Ruijia Water Purification Factory, based in Henan China (middleast China), is a company that produces filter media, manufactures, sells, supplies, and provides after-sales service for air purification and environmental protection products to the global market. RUIJIA Water Purification specializes in water treatment, air purification, and environmental protection solutions. The key products include:  Activated carbon (coconut shell, anthracite coal, wood), flocculant, polyacrylamide, poly aluminum chloride, birm manganese greensand, garnet sand, and other purification materials for clean water and HVAC ventilation systems. All could be employed in a high-efficiency particulate air filter, tank-type air filter, pre-filter media, activated carbon filter, or activated carbon pocket filter. Our products have a high adsorption value and are widely used in environmental protection, hospitals, food factories, furniture factories, hardware plastic factories, electric fact .... Show More

Gonyi City Shecun Ruijia Water Purification Factory, based in Henan China (middleast China), is a company that produces filter media, manufactures, sells, supplies, and provides after-sales service for air purification and environmental protection products to the global market. RUIJIA Water Purification specializes in water treatment, air purification, and environmental protection solutions.
The key products include: 
Activated carbon (coconut shell, anthracite coal, wood), flocculant, polyacrylamide, poly aluminum chloride, birm manganese greensand, garnet sand, and other purification materials for clean water and HVAC ventilation systems. All could be employed in a high-efficiency particulate air filter, tank-type air filter, pre-filter media, activated carbon filter, or activated carbon pocket filter.
Our products have a high adsorption value and are widely used in environmental protection, hospitals, food factories, furniture factories, hardware plastic factories, electric factories, industrial spraying equipment, automotive manufacturing, air conditioning manufacturing plants, pharmaceutical factories, scientific research institutes, building construction, ventilation air conditioning systems, and all water treatment systems. Let's work together to make the world a cleaner place!

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Henan, China

Business Type Manufacturing, sales, supplying and service after sales
Region/Country Henan, China

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Country : China
City : Henan
Address : Shecun Village,Industrial Development Area, Gongyi 451200,Zhengzhou City, Henan, China

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